This Northeastern State is showing India how to fight Corona Virus (COVID 19)

This Northeastern State is showing India how to fight Corona Virus (COVID 19)

Often times, this particular Northeastern State of India is famous for its own polite and socially responsible manner when the whole nation is in chaotic situation. The same can be seen in the fight against the Corona Virus. Mizoram is showing how to properly fight the terrible virus by following the Government norms and responsibly taking the public responsibility. Let’s take a look on the different ways Mizoram is inspiring the whole country.

For latest information on Corona Virus please follow the official government website. Please do not make any harsh decisions after reading this. Follow the government instructions and always check for updates.

Mizoram shows what a perfect social distancing looks like.

We all know the social distancing is followed only in some specific part of some major metros. This too is with the help of intense police assistance. All other places are just too naive to implement it at least as seen. However, Mizoram is the only Indian state which is following the social distancing protocol (at least as seen in the social media). Many social media videos show deserted streets with proper marks about social distancing.

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Mizos are seen practicing proper spaces to buy essential services like medical supplies, groceries, etc. There is no police forcing people to observe the social distancing. All of these are voluntary action of the common people.

This is the stark difference between the other states and Mizoram. In most of the other states, if there is no law enforcement then people are ready to break any law. Even in the presence of law enforcement officers, you can see many people simply refusing to follow the law.

People of Mizoram respecting the social distancing protocol to fight against Corona Virus.

Just a gentle reminder in case you didn’t know that Mizoram is one the very few states in India that follows the traffic rules and respects the lanes. You won’t hear the constant honking in Mizoram unlike the other parts of India.

Mizoram boy donates his piggy bank savings for the fight against Corona Virus.

One of the boys in Mizoram has donated his life savings to fight against Corona Virus. It just shows how the collective effort to fight against this terrible Chinese virus is in the Indian state of Mizoram. This doesn’t mean that the other states are doing nothing but we can all learn from other states.

The boy donated Rs. 333 from his entire savings. This is a reminder for many rich people in India what they can do to fight. I am not saying that none of them are doing nothing but more needs to come forward in this dire situation.

People singing, dancing together from their homes in the hill.

A video surfaced on the internet showing the people of the Captial Aizawl singing together in the tune, dancing together but keeping the social distancing protocol. You can hear from the distance as people all around the city is giving solidarity to the fight against Covid 19.

One lesson we can learn from this is not to overdo on what actually meant to be. We all have seen people with drum rallies and candle light rallies when PM Modi called upon us for a thaali bajaana or candle light at balcony to support the healthcare workers fighting for us against this Corona virus.

You can go here to watch the video:

At the time of writing this post, Mizoram had only one Covid 19 and is stable.

I am sure each state has something to offer in its own unique way. Mizoram offers a unique perspective on how they are contributing to this crucial fight.

Mizoram shows how to collectively overcome such difficult times by following the social norms put forward by the Government of Mizoram as well as the Government of India. It also reminds us of doing our bit in this collective fight and help others by not consuming up the police force. This way the police can be deployed in other required sectors to help the more needy persons instead of enforcing the social distance.

Northeast at a glance against Corona Virus

Northeast India is one of the least affected region in India. Until recently, it was Corona free until Manipur registered one positive case from a woman with a travel history to England. She is studying in England. After the Delhi Nazamudin incident, Assam spiked the number to 29 (at the time of writing this) while Manipur and Tripura has 2 each, Arunachal, Mizoram has 1 each. You can follow this link for the most updated numbers here in Bing Covid. People are generally following the social distancing but not all of them following it. People will need essential items to eat and they will come out for these items.

Even though the different state governments are saying that they are trying to provide the essential items, there are still may regions without such services given the remote and hilly terrain.

What can we do to fight the Corona Virus?

We often forget the responsibility we bear but jump to complain to the Government. With this, let us all try to contribute as much as we can. If you want more people to follow the social distancing please share this article in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

The most important thing we can do is not to invite the Virus by going out without any reason and respect government’s order. Let’s not forget that all these orders are for our own good in the long term even though it seems harsh in first place.

If you have other photos and videos, do not hesitate to share the link in the comment or ping me in the email.

You can always contribute to the fight by donating to PM care fund and your state’s Chief Ministers fund. PayTm and Google offers the easy way to donate. For more details about PM CARE Fund, check the official link here.

What is your state doing differently to fight Covid 19 which is different from other states?

Let me know in the comment sections that your locality and states are doing to fight the Corona Virus in the comment section and let others know about it.

Do you want to know details about why the Northeast India is a unique place, I have written a detailed post about why the Northeast India is famous for. Check that out. Did you know that the only floating National Park in the entire world is located in the Indian state of Manipur which is a part of the Northeast India? Check out more details here.


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