About Us

TheNorthEastIndia.com is the place where you will get popular information about Northeast India. You will get how to travel, what to do, detailed planning, and many more. This website also sells items that are essential for traveling to Northeast India and other details that are helpful to our beloved readers.

Greetings everyone! How are you today? This website is maintained by me. I grew up in a village in Manipur and then left for a town for my high school.

After high school, I spent 8+ years in Arunachal Pradesh for my further studies. In between that, I used to travel here and there all over India.

Nykaa Beauty [CPS] IN

I love the Northeastern states and there is little information available on the internet. My primary aim is to provide as much information as possible to the whole world.

If you are from any of the northeastern states and want to express your views, I am more than happy to receive your articles and review them.

If you are a travel blogger and want to write your travel experience in any part of the northeastern states or in India, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In the meantime continue reading my blog and enjoy it.

Have a nice day everyone!